Thursday, December 31, 2009

rainy blues

I love the idea of wearing bright, cheery things on rainy days. It's a simple cure for the gloomies. I know, these photographs don't reflect the weather at all, but one knows that there is always a bit of sunshine through stormy cloud after the rains pass. (Okay, and some bright exposure while editing helps alot too.)
(And that alarming line on my leg is muscle. I know, I'm a scary beast.)
Dress~ Urban Outfitters, Cardigan~ thrift store, Boots~ We Who See, thigh highs~ Target


TartanBoots said...

Love the pictures they are all stunning and love the flowery dress.

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reckless daughter said...

oh... I used to have white netting over my bed in high school! I completely forgot how lovely that can be! cute dress too.